Today’s feature in the 7 Elements of Play – Spinning! Benefits of spinning on the playground: 1. It enhances sensory stimulation in the areas of touch, balance, and feel. 2. It develops decision-making skills as children must think while in motion. 3. Spinning helps with postural control as they have […]
Meegan Wozniczka
Today’s feature in the 7 Elements of Play – Brachiating! Benefits of brachiating on the playground:1. Brachiating strengthens the upper body and develops grip strength.2. It increases endurance, flexibility, and eye-hand coordination.3. Brachiating develops kinesthetic awareness, which allows a child to know where their body is in space. Many structures […]
Today’s feature in the 7 Elements of Play – Climbing! Benefits of climbing on the playground:
All children love a trip to the playground to explore, climb, run and jump! But did you know there are a lot of physical, educational, social, and cognitive benefits to playing outside too? The physical benefits of playgrounds One of the obvious benefits of playgrounds is their ability to challenge […]
With the chill of winter settling in, it is time to discuss the importance of outdoor play! Some adults associate cold winter weather with getting colds and illnesses. However, it is not exposure to the cold that cause these viruses. In fact, it’s likely to be increased exposure to poorly […]
Fundraising for a new playground should not be overwhelming! See our Guide to Successful Playground Fundraising to help your community start building the ultimate playground!
Applying for grants can be an overwhelming task if not adequately prepared. Northland’s 5-Step Plan will guide you through the necessary stages to development a seamless application experience. Our Project Manager has a wealth of experience assisting committees with their playground layouts, budget planning, sponsorship letters, presentations, marketing material, and […]
Thank you for your continued support, Kawacatoose First Nation! Happy Playing!